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Measure distance
Search Route or Track
Determine GPS coordinates
Convert GPS coordinates
Campsites France at route
46605 Routes/Tracks
Maintain Points of Interest
329034 Points of Interest
Plan Route
Search Points of Interest
Show location of GPS coordinates
Maintain Routes and Tracks
make Track
convert UTM coordinates

Welcome to the website of GPScoordinates.eu with a.o. following options:
  • plan route / make track with a lot of features, a.o. switch between 'existing roads' and 'straight lines'
  • link to full size map of your route or track
  • freely positionable information windows
  • map size dependant on browser size
  • show collected Routes, Tracks, Points of Interest while planning Route, making Track, and determing GPS coordinates
  • Open Street Map
  • Streetview information
  • convert Routes to Tracks and vice versa

This site makes extensive use of services like Google Maps: Maps, Geocoding, Geolocation, Autocomplete, Directions, functions for determining locations, altitudes, routes and distances on the map.
Because these services are limited to use for free, a large part of our site can only be used against payment, made adsfree.

Good to know ...
1. To keep costs down, we are using Open Source solutions as much as possible!
2. Coordinates conversion is accessible for free!
3. If you already do not see any advertisements on our site, you may use adblockers ...

You can continue to use this site for € 9.99 per year.
An adsfree website, with maximum screen width and screen height for the map.

click here for more information

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If you have any bugs / problems encountered ... your feedback is appreciated!

GPScoordinates.eu is a.o.. a collection of Points of Interest, routes en tracks for GPS receivers, like Garmin and navigation systems like TomTom.

Benefit of this website by using the navigation input, and to determine GPS coordinates, show the location of GPS coordinates, convert GPS coordinates, show and modify routes or tracks, plan a route plan or make a track, put Points of Interest, routes en tracks at your own website or weblog and make a link to a personal map with own location.

Please give us feedback, by using the feedback form in case you have found bugs or errors at this website or in case you have ideas to improve this website.